Chat with JenAI - Effective AI Chat!

No distracting ads. GPT Voice Chat on your terms!

Talk to Jenny - Play Games, Practice language skills, Learn stuff.

Chat with JenAI on Android

What is JenAI Chat

JenAI Chat is an Android app avaialble in the Play Store.

  • No awful ads
  • No Subscription
  • Free to download
  • In App purchases - pay as you go. You only pay for the credits that you use.


    • Games:
      Dungeons and Dragons, Hunt the Wumpus.
    • Education:
      Language tutor, Math tutor, Simplify a Complex Topic.
    • Research and Documents:
      Compose a letter. Write a thank you now. Share to your email.


    • Voice Chat:
      Talk to the AI and have it talk back.
    • Easy to use:
      Simple interface that handles complex topics.
    • Full Control:
      Stop verbose chat by tapping on the screen.


    • Affordable:
      No subscription or ongoing cost. Pay for only the chat you use.
    • Transparent:
      Your usage is shown with every dialog. You see which commands cost more.
    • Cheap:
      Low pricing on credit purchases. $10 will buy you days of chat.


    • Create your own Commands:
      Automate tasks, then run the task with just one tap.
    • Use with Android Auto:
      Create letters in your car, then transsfer them to your email.
    • Flexible:
      Works with ChatGPT 4o, ChatGPT 4, ChatGPT 3.5 and Google Gemini Pro.